On Making Documentaries

Woodward’s Gardens, photo from California State Library.


I like projects that teach me things I never expected to learn.


When the economy melted in 2008, I realized that I could take a rest from my practice’s residential focus. The downturn called for something different. I had time to look at what was happening around me. I had done movie projects before, so I found myself with an impulse to make documentaries on architectural subjects. > Read More

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International Orange

Interior of Fort Point during International Orange. Artist Cornelia Parker’s “Reveille” can be seen at the end of the corridor. Photo by John Cary.

On May 27, the tranquil beauty of the Bay and the grace of the Golden Gate Bridge were rocked by a spectacle of pyrotechnics and light to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the bridge. > Read More

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Kobe, Japan, 8.1999, Shinkobe Oriental Hotel


Over about a 10-year period in the 1990s I did a lot of traveling, which involved periodic waiting around in hotels before and after meetings. I decided that on every trip I would execute a watercolor painting of the view through my hotel window regardless of the merits of the scene. > Read More

Shortlink http://q.gs/ERqIf

Home Sweet Home


A two‐year resident of the emerging Central Market district comments on her neighborhood’s evolution and ambiance. > Read More

Shortlink http://q.gs/ERrGv