Photo by Lucas Saugen, courtesy
Perched on a bar stool at Sinbad’s Pier 2 Restaurant with a friend, I sipped a glass of white wine on a warm spring night. Sinbad’s is definitely a touristy establishment with its wonderful view of the Bay Bridge. And that is why I was there—to take in the recently ignited “Bay Lights” project on the Bridge’s Western span. > Read More
2013.05.11 1:06pm
Filed under: Art, Field Notes, Reviews, Donna Schumacher
Manifest Destiny!Donna Schumacher
Photo by Cesar Rubio Photography.
The view walking along Bush Street towards downtown San Francisco recalls the exaggerated perspective of a Wayne Thiebaud painting. The sharp crest of the hill forces the gaze forward and down, revealing the urban fabric below where Manifest Destiny! — a19th-century, smaller than life-size cabin—adheres like a barnacle to the blank façade of 453 Bush Street, three and one half stories up. > Read More
2012.09.19 10:43pm
Filed under: Architecture, Art, Reviews, Donna Schumacher
Contributor Profile: Donna Schumacher
Donna Schumacher is the founder and creative director of Donna Schumacher Architecture, which specializes in creative commercial and residential spaces in San Francisco. > Read More
2012.09.18 9:39pm
Filed under: Donna Schumacher